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cf2 interior refit project

we have had our beddy for three years now and its been fairly trouble free but for this years mot welding was needed. we decided to strip out the van to get the floor sorted and rebuild the interior.
here are some pics and the story as it unfolds!

original interior.

one weld area behind the wheel arch

van stripped out

we wanted to have a bigger three way fridge so had the passenger side arch reduced to take the fridge.

the rest of the floor was fairly clean

with the floor sorted new boards are down.

idea of how it will be with the new fridge new gas oven and old grill+hob

with the recent rain after weeks of sun i noticed some water coming in and traced it to a few rotten screws that hold the window in.

the wood has been stripped and revarnished, new veltrim carpet fitted.

new carpet and insulation fitted to the pannels.

just started to make the cupboards.
Thats it so far, more pics to come when i get things done!


Sun 08 May 2011 @ 21:03 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Mon 30 May 2011 @ 07:42 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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