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Another question!!!!!

Bessie is due to be plated in two week's time. I don't think there is anything major wrong but she does smoke and she does take time to come up to pressure on the brakes. Once she's hot she doesn't smoke much and once the brakes are up they run at 8 and 9. Does this sound as though it might be curtains for Bessie? Last time it was v expensive and we wont be able to afford to spend a lot again but we are so loth to give her up... Oh, Bessie is 1984 TL horsebox 330 engine.


Wed 27 Jul 2011 @ 16:14 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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If the air pressure drops noticeably when standing then it's a case of find the leaks & fix them. If not & the pressure holds for a good long while then check that the exhauster intake isn't restricted & the main pipe to the reservoir isn't loose & leaking (undo the nuts on the steel pipe & check the flares for cracks).

Smoke only when the engine is cold probably is unburnt fuel (grey to white); only need to worry if there's black to grey smoke when the accelerator is floored from idle speed (injection pump &/or injectors needing re-calibrating). Blue smoke is another matter - engine wear - but usually increases as engine warms up. Changing the engine oil can improve things if it hasn't been changed for a while.


Wed 27 Jul 2011 @ 18:03 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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