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Light at the end

Hi all,
I thought it was about time to tell the story of sunflower (The wifes name for it lol)so far.I found her in a shed about 5 months ago looking a bit grubby,Was told she had belonged to an old fellow who had had a new engine fitted,20,000 miles since new,and had passed away.I bought her brought her home and lo and behold the engine was fubar,So after a bit of investigation i find the engine that was supposed to have been fitted,take it home and put it in.So far so good,only problem is she is drawing air from somewhere and keeps breaking down in the most awkward spots.tried everything,changed filters,filter heads,lift pump,injector pump,fuel lines you name it,somewhere along the line it went from a full tank of fuel to a quarter tank,thats when it started breaking down every time i climbed a hill,turned a corner,looked at it the wrong way back to basics.last week i put a gallon can in the cab attached a fuel line and run it,30 miles looking good,weekend arrives and i put a 5 gallon drum in the cab and headed for wanlockhead,scotlands highest village,not a peep out of her.120 miles there and i dropped the fuel tank,cut a hole in the top and installed a baffle,big tin,welded the top back on and viola,she lives.Now for some serious travelling lol.


Wed 03 Aug 2011 @ 23:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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