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Starter Motor glitch...

The (fairly newish) starter motor on my 1983 CF (2.3 Petrol) has developed a strange glitch. It works perfect every time from cold, but when the engine has been running for a while (over an hour, especially city traffic) in REALLY hot weather (in Southern Europe at the moment with something like 42 degrees around noon), if you switch it off, the starter won't do anything until the engine is cool again. The area around the engine gets really hot, but the engine itself stays at normal temperature.

During the "heat-stroke", the starter motor works if banged with a hammer. If not, it just doesn't move. No click, no noise, no attempt to turn, almost no voltage drop.

Is it worth taking it apart to see what could be wrong, or should I just live with it and bang it with a hammer if I really need to get somewhere, or just sit and drink a cup of tea until it cools down?

What could it be? A lot of people seem to have the same problem with all sorts of different cars in this region, and they say their starter motors keep on going like this for years, so they just don't bother trying to fix them. They say in cooler temperatures it's fine, but when it goes over 40 it's time for holidays, not driving... :P


Sun 08 Jul 2012 @ 14:43 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Sticky starter.

Hi JimBeam,

The heat is expanding the brushes inside there carriers and they free off as they cool down and then make contact again then the starter works.
When you bang the starter you shock them free and remake the contact, dirty carbon builds up and sticks inside the carriers.
The carriers and the brushes have two differant expantion rates.



Sun 08 Jul 2012 @ 16:43 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Bearing in mind what Doug's said,would it be worthwhile fitting an electric motorbike fan somewhere close or even computer fans?


Sun 08 Jul 2012 @ 18:13 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hot starting problem usually is the brush gear especially if it's a Lucas unit.

It is worth having a look because sticking brushes, or excessive armature end float (should be about 0.010 inch), can lead to commutator damage.


Sun 08 Jul 2012 @ 20:04 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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