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I'm back... Got a carb question...

Hello Everyone,

The 21st Century's a busy place and I'm afraid a combination of working flat out and the great British weather mean my Bedford and I haven't been on the road for a few years!!! I used to be quite a regular on the site but again ...bit busy! I've kept her in the garage and looked after reasonably but before hopefully getting back on the road (when the earth getts back on its axis and the Artic winter ends) I'll have a bit of tlc to administer.

Ome item I think that will need some attention is the carb. As a starting point its good to know what carb I've got. All my literature tell's me it should be a Zenith but when I look its a Weber! My van's a 1971 CF1, 1800 (unless I'm wrong about that too). Is there a webber for the 1800? Does anyone know what model if so?

Many thanks to all and I look forward to getting back on the road.

Best regards,



Mon 01 Apr 2013 @ 19:15 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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the Webber for the 1800 is a 34ICT /1/350.

you could use the Webber off the 2300 engine in place if the 1800. this will give you a few extra bhp ...
Mon 01 Apr 2013 @ 19:26 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Thanks Gethin,

Maybe that's what I've got. In absence of any other ideas I'll proceed on that basis.

Thanks again,



Tue 02 Apr 2013 @ 00:53 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Isn't the standard choke tube on the 1800 smaller than on the 2300? I'm no expert mind, I did run my 2.0 slant on a zenith designed for a 2.3, correct jets but wrong choke tube. was always a bit juicy though, thats all.

Incidentally I have an almost new Zenith carb for a 1.8. I have just changed the engine for a 2.3, so now don't need it. Done about 2000 miles and the van was returning 24mpg with a 4 speed box. I do prefer the webers though it has to be said, seem to start better on cold days.
Tue 09 Apr 2013 @ 00:10 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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