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Fuse blows on starting engine

I have a 1973 bedford CF1 which has the two inline fuses for the electrical system. The fuse for the indicators,brake lights, fuel gauge etc. keeps blowing when the engine is started. I've checked to see if the fuse blows when using any of the electrical system without the engine on and its fine, it only blows when the engine is started or running.
This is a relatively new problem, so was wondering if anyone had any advice on what it might be. I've recently put in a new battery, rated at 75AH which was the same as the old one, but don't know if its too highly rated as the recommended rating for standard 2300 is 55Ah and heavy duty is 72AH. Any help would be much appreciated.


Sat 13 Jul 2013 @ 17:59 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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has the fault come on since you changed the battery of was it there before?
Sat 13 Jul 2013 @ 19:22 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Unsure of the fault, but you can use any battery you like without issue. I run my 2.3 from a 90Ah 550CCA battery designed from a Transit diesel with no problem at all.
Mon 15 Jul 2013 @ 13:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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