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The Bedford Book.....

If anyone read my recent query about cf colours, I bought a book called Bedford camper vans and motorhomes by Martin Watts off amazon. Leafing through what looks like a fairly comprehensive history - apparently the cf Bedouin as built by cim was only ever produced in one colour - sand/gold to reflect the Bedouin theme - unfortunately over time this obviously fades to what our Bedouins previous owner referred to as nappy **** brown . I was then somewhat surprised to find one of the pictures in the book is actually of our Bedouin in very nice condition with gleaming paintwork in previously mentioned sandy gold - may be doing a resto to the original colour (or somewhere close) after all


Wed 04 Sep 2013 @ 19:47 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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Jeffers59 wrote:
referred to as nappy **** brown

Well, you have to admit, it is a pretty good description of the colour

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Wed 04 Sep 2013 @ 20:21 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I'm fairly sure the original colour of mine was a light blue (found some original paint behind the pannels. They were indeed orange in the brochure, but I reckon they might have changed the colour in later years - mine was a 1971/2 model. Would make sense though with the sand colour scheme. Certainly never found any hint of orange on my van when removing old paint.
Wed 04 Sep 2013 @ 21:19 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I'm fairly sure the original colour of mine was a light blue

ours has been repainted to a very similar colour to yours - but is looking a little bit tired and unloved


Wed 04 Sep 2013 @ 21:50 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Wow I would love to find a photo of how my old rust bucket used to look
Wed 04 Sep 2013 @ 22:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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if you contact the dvla (on line form ) you can find out the full history of your motor from day one, the cost is £5 I think, you have to have a reason to want this info, just tell them that you take and enter it in classic shows and would like the history of your motor. then you will have the name of first owner and you may be able to get the info or even some photos of it
Thu 05 Sep 2013 @ 05:10 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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thanks, that may be worth a go. at least i could find out what colour she used to be. so many different colours under the hand painted aviation blue!!
Sat 07 Sep 2013 @ 15:03 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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nice find and GREAT colour


Sun 08 Sep 2013 @ 00:12 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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yeh that's the same color mine was jeff its still visible under the dash


Sun 08 Sep 2013 @ 16:48 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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