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where did everyone go?

This place never was a buzzing hive of activity, but these days it seems like nobody comes here at all.

What happened to the regulars?


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 18:30 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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The regulars are still here but not posting. 4 member logins in last hour, 14 in last 12.

What we need is a reason to post so, the first person to post 20 posts in the next 24 hours will win a topless picture of me. The last person to post 20 posts will win 2 topless photos of me

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 19:38 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I'm still here!


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 19:40 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Colin Birch wrote:
The regulars are still here but not posting. 4 member logins in last hour, 14 in last 12.

What we need is a reason to post so, the first person to post 20 posts in the next 24 hours will win a topless picture of me. The last person to post 20 posts will win 2 topless photos of me

BOOBy prizes then.


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 19:41 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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It's sad - I've put weight on and mine are bigger than the wifes now. Then again that's not difficult which reminds me, I don't eat enough fried eggs

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 19:46 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Is it possible to get some brass rubbings Colin?


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 20:30 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi all,I'm still around,th'o still short on words.Cheers,Jim.


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 20:41 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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Spookytim wrote:
Is it possible to get some brass rubbings Colin?

Of me or the wife??

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 21:00 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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jimfixit wrote:
Hi all,I'm still around,th'o still short on words.Cheers,Jim.

My wife is similar, she's round and short

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 21:01 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Definitely the wife.


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 21:51 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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im always here but im unsociable


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 23:39 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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im always here but im unsociable


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 23:40 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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Spookytim wrote:
Definitely the wife.

You might meet her one day and you'll live to regret what you just said

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 10:33 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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guypjfreak wrote:
im always here but im unsociable

And I thought I was the only one

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 10:33 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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no colin old son i dont evenchat with the neighbours lol.. im not sure why my posts keep double posting either


Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 13:55 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Bob Hillier
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Sounds like repetetive strain on your wrist Guy. Take it easy and it`ll go away!

We don`t stop when we get old, but get old when we stop

Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 15:53 View Bob Hillier   Email Bob Hillier   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Bob Hillier wrote:
Sounds like repetetive strain on your wrist Guy.

I think I suffer from that

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 16:29 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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My motto is, Action not words,. but I do have my moments. We are getting out & about more this year in "Euey".


Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 17:00 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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im here but yet so far


Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 17:38 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I'm still here
Mon 16 Sep 2013 @ 18:01 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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