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Parts for sale swap

Hi why is it that I am loged in
But when I go on the sell stuff page and
Try new topic ,
It comes up that I have to be a member and to log in??
But I am a member & I am loged in ,,
Help admin
Thu 06 Feb 2014 @ 16:15 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Global Moderator
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Location : Northampton,England.
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I think Colin will have to sort this out,he has more access to the 'workings' than I do.
Could you let us know which page you're accessing it through & which browser you're using?
Also,how far are you getting? Do you get to the message window & then it doesn't post or will it not even open the message window?

I've just logged in on these pages in your name & got to the message window.I haven't tried further than that yet.


Thu 06 Feb 2014 @ 17:02 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I'm posting an answer in general chat as I can't put pics here.


Thu 06 Feb 2014 @ 18:10 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
Posts : 4274
Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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bluebedouin wrote:
I'm posting an answer in general chat as I can't put pics here.

Hi from a wet me in a hotel in Sittingbourne! I've just altered this area so you can now post pictures.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Thu 06 Feb 2014 @ 18:24 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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CfTony wrote:
Hi why is it that I am loged in
But when I go on the sell stuff page and
Try new topic ,
It comes up that I have to be a member and to log in??
But I am a member & I am loged in ,,
Help admin

To help narrow the problem down a bit, does this happen in any other area?

As Graham asked in his other post, are you going to the 'Adverts' area and clicking on 'New Topic' or are you goung to any of the 'Wanted', 'For Sale' etc areas first. If you are going to 'Adverts' and clicking on 'New Topic' it won't work as posts are not allowed in that area. You have to select sales, wanted, swaps etc first and then click on 'New Topic'.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Thu 06 Feb 2014 @ 18:31 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Did do pic of page but cannot put on hear,,

Basic ,go on adverts ,click new topic
And it comes up with sign in ,,members only ,
And that's it really
Fri 07 Feb 2014 @ 01:52 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
Posts : 4274
Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
Status    : Offline

When you get to 'Adverts' you have to pick a sub catagory, either Wanted, for sale or swaps. When you get to that sub catagory then click on 'New Topic'.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Fri 07 Feb 2014 @ 06:43 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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