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4th and 3rd gear a bit stiff ?

hi all

we have a cf2 with the vauxhall 4 speed gearbox

it's become quite stiff to go in / come out of 4th gear (3rd is a bit stiff too)

i've just checked the turrent links are greased and checked the gear lever ball joint, have also adjusted clutch pedal and have just topped up the gearbox oil (1/2 a litre ?!?!?)

taken it for a spin and 4th gear still sometimes tricky to go in/out

a few questions

1. does this sound like i maybe have a gearbox problem (syncromesh ring ?)

2. if i do end up having to replace gearbox, does it have to be like for like or can you just 'slot in' one of the other types (bedford / zf , etc)

3. it seems to drive fine other than being a bit stiff - are we going to be safe driving a 130 mile round trip ?

any advice would be most appreciated


Fri 06 Jun 2014 @ 20:50 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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First of all welcome to the site,Mark.You've made a wise choice.

I'll answer your queries the best I can.
1.Someone more experienced with the manual gearbox would be better placed to answer.
2.Subject to someone correcting me,I'd say any would fit.Have a look here & see if there are any differences.As in needing adapter plates or similar.
3.The 64 million dollar question. You can never be certain of anything in this life which is why it's always best to have breakdown cover.


Fri 06 Jun 2014 @ 21:15 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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whats the gear change like when the engine is not running. if this is ok then you have a dragging clutch .

you can get your gearbox serviced by 1 of the members up in Scotland .
Sat 07 Jun 2014 @ 14:32 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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hi bluebedouin have been memebrs previously but hadn't signed in for a whie and i think i lost my account / associated email

anyhow, back to the issue...

Gethin, it seems to be fairly stiff still without engine running

having the engine running doesn't seem to make much difference on the kerb

it's possibly slightly better when actually driving ,
but hard to say for sure as your arm gets a bit more 'serious' about changing gears when out on the road

Mon 09 Jun 2014 @ 18:23 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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sounds like the layshaft bearing and syncro on 3rd and 4th are worn.
Im sure Bluebedouin will dig out Doug's contact details up in scotland for you.
all you need to do is pallet your box ans send it up to him , he will then service it and return the box pretty quick
Mon 09 Jun 2014 @ 19:05 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Doug's email address is marked as private but you can pm him here.


Mon 09 Jun 2014 @ 20:10 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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