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Fuse blowing and battery drain

A very enjoyable weekend in Yorkshire at the tour, but have developed an electrical fault. n saturday the battery drained itself completely flat, so I assumed I'd left something on. Charged it up, and on the way home the fuse that runs the fuel and temp gauges, indicators etc. blew. Fitted another (at the side of the A1) only for that to blow as well. Clearly i've got a fault somewhere that's shorting causing the battery to drain and the current flow through that fuse (20A fitted) to be too much. Anyone got a wiring diagram for my 1973 Autosleeper with more detail than the haynes manual as it seems to only show one fuse whereas i've got several in the box under the steering wheel? As the battery drained without the key in, the implication would be that the fault is on a system that doesn't need the ignition on to be live, but then why would it start blowing the fuse for the dash clocks which are definitely on a circuit made live only when the ignition is on....?


Mon 07 Jul 2014 @ 11:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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This is a link to a diagram that former member Abodator did a while ago.Not sure what you use to view the internet but I don't think it would work on a phone.The dimensions are 9364 x 5268 pixels!


Mon 07 Jul 2014 @ 12:29 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Perfect, thanks. Displays fine. The haynes manual goes on about 'early models' and 'late models', so I'm guessing that i'm a late model despite being only 1974....

Looking at the diagram, I don't understand why things like 72 (windshield wash motor) are coming out of the top of the fuse box - I'd expect only three wires to come in from the top. One for battery +ve, one for things on the first turn of the key, another for 2nd position on the key (assuming starter motor related stuff wouldn't go through this fuse box). Otherwise all appliances should be coming out of the bottom....

Maybe 70 (just noted as 'line fuse') is actually ignition +ve coming in to the box to feed fuses 3,4 5 and 6. I'm guessing there are a few errors in the diagram, but it's a guide to give you a start rather than being gospel...


Tue 08 Jul 2014 @ 11:22 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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