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No word.

Hi to all,

Not a word from the people who set up and run the Albion rally as to if we are included in this years show or not bloody shambles.



Thu 13 Aug 2015 @ 16:00 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Albion rally.

Hi to all,

Tomorrow I will set off on my journey down to Biggar in the hope that I will get into the show ground, if not it will be a nice long run for my under used Bedford.
There is a campsite nearby so I might have to get in there for a night or two, "it will be just fine".



Thu 13 Aug 2015 @ 22:34 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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No word.

Hi to all,

Talk about last minute the Albion paperwork dropped through the letter box at twelve fifteen on Friday and I know some guy's who had already left their home's to go there by that time.
But I did not get on to the road until half past five, once I got there it turned out to be the great weekend between the people I met and the spare parts I was able to buy at very good price's.
Some stall holders were a bit over priced, one guy was selling 20-50 engine oil for twenty two pounds for five ltr's and another stall had 20-50 oil in one ltr.
bottles for a pound each so I bought the whole lot.
That works out at three oil changes for fifteen pounds, and paid four pounds for four ltr's of coolant, came home with a few replacement tools and a new fuse box.
So it was a good trip and the old Bedford went well with good starting and no oil leaks, turn out twenty one miles to the gallon, well pleased.



Mon 17 Aug 2015 @ 21:22 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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