Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Spark, fuel, turnover but no party
Hi there!
I'm new to slants and was wondering if there was a way of figuring this one out.
Engine turns over lovely, it sparks, there is fuel (to test I have also added some straight down the carb neck ) but it will not fire. Not even a struggle or pop.
Any ideas?
It's a petrol btw.
Sat 15 Aug 2015 @ 16:04
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
No go
Hi Dan,if you are sure that the timing is ok you will need to check the points gap as it is important with these engines.How old is the coil as they will degrade over time.Cheers Jim.
Sat 15 Aug 2015 @ 22:10
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
no bang
if the timing appears ok check where the rotor arm in the dizzy is pointing and make sure your plug leads are in the correct firing order. If the engine has had some work and you have not seen it run set it up on no1 compression stroke and go from there.
Sun 16 Aug 2015 @ 10:53
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Thanks for the replies. I've tested that all the plugs are firing and the cap is clean etc.
I'll check the other bits that you advised now.
One things is that when trying things out, I popped a squirt of fuel down the carb neck to try and on cur over, it breaths vapour in and out of the carb. Is that normal? Also seems to be a lot of carbon in the throat.
Sun 16 Aug 2015 @ 17:22
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Sti8ll no go
Hi ,it sounds to me as th'o the timing is not right.Have you set the engine to tdc and checked that the rotor arm is pointing to no1 position?Are you running points or electronic ignition?If you are on points have you changed the condencer?It may be that the spark is cold.Cheers Jim
Sun 16 Aug 2015 @ 19:38
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Blowback thro the carb on turnover could be your timing belt is a bit out so if no luck with other suggestions. If you don't have a workshop manual yet then go to the file downloads on the club site and to the dropbox for engine pdf file which should cover engine timing belt set up.
Sun 16 Aug 2015 @ 20:14
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
No go
Have you checked the earths as they have a habit of corroding at the bolts.Best to remove the wires and clean then coat in Vasolen befor replacing.Cheer JIm
Sun 16 Aug 2015 @ 21:17
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Blowback through the carb could be burnt valves/seats or no valve/cam gap.
I would be inclined to try a compression test.
Sun 16 Aug 2015 @ 22:00
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
I would go for three likely cause's valve timing, burnt valves or valve clearance's are too tight, or check the compressions and the state of the points condenser cap rotor and leads.
Mon 17 Aug 2015 @ 19:45
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