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Hello and.. what model is my van???!

Hello there chaps,

I'm new to al this, having just brought an 1981 Bedford ambulance!

It's quite a cracker but needs an engine change (snapped piston or something?)

I was planning on fitting a diesel anyway, but a little sooner than planned :P

So, question is... anyone know exactly what model this is? So I can find more info about what engine is in it etc?

I cannot seem to find anything else as tall, as big, and with a split screen....
Logbook just says CF...

Any ideas?

Thanks so much, super happy this place exists! :)
Sun 10 Jul 2016 @ 21:04 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
Posts : 4274
Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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Hi and welcome to the site. Your van looks to me like a Hawson conversion. Take a look at This Link It'll probably be based on a standard CF350 chassis/cowl.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sun 10 Jul 2016 @ 21:58 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
Posts : 4274
Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
Status    : Offline

Plus, if you go HERE and type in your vans VIN it (should!) give you a bit more info on the van such as wheelbase, GVW, engine details and axle ratio.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sun 10 Jul 2016 @ 22:41 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Sun 10 Jul 2016 @ 23:01 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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