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Jobs on the van

So as you all will know jobs on a beddie never seem to stop either on the engine or body.. Luckily I have made a good friend who has helped with the engine part of the equation but as far as the body is concerned I thought it time to start.
So so far we've started getting all the black stuff we put on her a few years back and that has started to streak the van off.
We've got most of the stuff to do the bottom half but today we finished the roof with a lovely new coat of hammerite satin white which looks fab.
I've also painted all the wood under the van so that's all good I'm gonna do the metal last of all.
Next we're going to the sides and back....
Hopefully she'll be ready for festival season looking grand
I'll try post some pics later


Sat 13 May 2017 @ 20:56 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Lots done.. Looks OK runs OK failed mot.. Not on a lot lol


Sun 04 Jun 2017 @ 23:13 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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So that is the cab painted ( used roller) with hammerite.. Looks great made up with the result. The roof is done also as well as the sides all with hammerite..
I have a hammerite van lol.


Thu 07 Sep 2017 @ 20:46 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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