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1981 CF250 2.3 (slant) Petrol - Fuel Pump issue

Hi All,

A new CF owner who is a bit fatigued!

Very new to this, so apologies. Particularly if I offend you guys with 'obvious comments'/ 'lack of knowledge'. I would be very grateful for some assistance as a new member.

I have inherited a Holdsworth Ranger Camper coach build on the CF250 (could be disaster). I am 6 weeks into a project to get it has been off the road for 10 years. A previous good starter I understand. Getting it started has proven tough and the fault is fuel. I have tried everything with the fuel pump, but it still doesn't seem to have just enough psi to pull it. I fitted an in-line filter to observe the lift but the pump seems to work very weakly and intermittently. Sometimes a bit, but far off the pull and supply needed down the line. I considered an airlock too, or a venting issue so have tried all of the remedies there! It is a sealed AC pump, so I have no option with a service kit.

I am assuming that these can be fitted with a few different fuel pumps and that it just requires knowledge about the 'spacer?' width to ensure correct engagement with the cam shaft. Sorry if these are the wrong terms but I am learning every day...I think.

Please can someone give some advice and point me in the right direction. Would love to get it back on the road but I need something to ignite, preferably fuel.
Wed 18 Jul 2018 @ 17:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I have had this trouble with lack of `pull` in the pump. The tank could airlock if the fuel cap is bad. In my case, it was due to debris (sandy dirt) in the line. reverse air pressure cleared the problem temporarily, but I had to drop the tank to clean it. Rig up a temporary pipe from the inlet side of the pump and use a petrol can or similar as the supply. Wind the motor and see if the pump lifts good or bad. If good then the fault is not mechanical. If bad ..... I`m just off on my hols.


Wed 18 Jul 2018 @ 22:31 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Bob Hillier wrote:
If bad .....

Fit an electric one.
Wed 18 Jul 2018 @ 23:09 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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bluebedouin wrote:
Bob Hillier wrote:
If bad .....

Fit an electric one.

Hi Bob,

Oooooh yes, I suggested this to my 86 year old father-in-law who is still madly in love with this old beast yesterday. Have you done this? Can you recommend a rig up to me so that I can have a try? Anyway of having a chat about it please?
Thu 19 Jul 2018 @ 08:08 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Bob Hillier wrote:
I have had this trouble with lack of `pull` in the pump. The tank could airlock if the fuel cap is bad. In my case, it was due to debris (sandy dirt) in the line. reverse air pressure cleared the problem temporarily, but I had to drop the tank to clean it. Rig up a temporary pipe from the inlet side of the pump and use a petrol can or similar as the supply. Wind the motor and see if the pump lifts good or bad. If good then the fault is not mechanical. If bad ..... I`m just off on my hols.

Yes, we tried this and unfortunately it did not lift sufficiently and only intermittently even after priming it a little with some fuel, so it is definitely the problem I am afraid. Enjoy your holiday.

I like the idea of rigging up an electric pump in the line, just I am not a mechanic and would need some good, safe guidance or assistance. Would love to get the old girl running again. Seems a shame to leave it now!
Thu 19 Jul 2018 @ 08:41 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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