Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
The kracken awakes! - advice on laid up vehicle required...
Hi All,
I'm looking for a bit of advice on what to do when bringing a laid up CF out of hibernation.
We have a 2.3 autosleeper sv100, with LPG conversion, which we store on a farm. Due to family circumstances, the last time it was used properly was about 5 years ago, so it's sat uncovered in a sheltered grass field for this time.
There's a couple of things that I'm aware of needing to correct (e.g. the rubber exhaust bracket needs replacing), but what else should I be looking out for before I start it up and give it a little trundle round the grass? I'm thinking of things like axles that need greasing or such like, although I've no idea where I should be looking on the axle! So basically, ANYTHING you can think of. Nothing is too small, obvious or trivial for this!
Also, It still has about 3/4 of a tank of LPG. Is this usable, or does it need venting (if that's the correct phrase)?
My plan is to make sure it's running initially, then get it booked in for an MOT at a local garage first on a Saturday morning - that way I can get it out and about early while the traffic is quiet!
Tue 06 Nov 2018 @ 12:50
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Should also have said - it's actually dual fuel and will still run on petrol, so the LPG thing isn't a showstopper!
Tue 06 Nov 2018 @ 12:53
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Five years is a long time to be standing.
Hi Poocini,
Don't start it up until you have checked the engine and gearbox oil and the coolant, drain off that petrol and fill with fresh stuff, take out the sparks plugs and put some Redex down each cylinder and turnover the engine by hand a few times before trying to start it up and check that you have brakes before driving it .
Fri 09 Nov 2018 @ 11:05
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
That's brilliant, thank you. It's probably obvious (although not to me!) but how do you turn the engine over by hand?
Mon 12 Nov 2018 @ 09:20
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Hi Poocini,
You can put a 3/4AF spanner on the bottom pulley bolt and turn it clockwise or jack up rear wheel put it into four gear and turn the wheel by hand.
Mon 12 Nov 2018 @ 15:13
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