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Richard eblack
Posts : 2
Location : Lincolnshire
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Fuses on aCF1

Hello, I am working on a 71 CF1 campervan, chassis 97360 and am having trouble with the wiring.
The main heavy brown lead up to the dash is not fused and has, in the past, melted the insulation for an inch or so. I have repaired that and am putting a fuse box in, taking the power from the starter using the existing 44/.30 cable then one 44/.30 brown to the ignition switch and 28/.30 brown from another fuse to the lighting switch.
My query is what rating should these two Fuses be? Should I run heavier cable than the 44/.30 from the starter to the fuse box?
I have calculated that the 44/.30 should be 30A and the 28/.30 max 20, probably 15A.
My problem is that the two line fuses behind the dash are a whopping 35A way over the suggested capacity of the wires they protect. Do they need to be this high?
My guess is that the lights draw just over 10A so a slow blow 15 should be ok (not sure about using headlamp flasher on dip)
The main ignition supply With ignition, hazard flashers, brake lights, heater and wipers it might draw over 30A.
Do you think I should increase the cable size from the starter to the fuse box and possibly the feed to the ignition switch?
Have I made stupid mistakes in my calculations? It does seem that, especially given the previous owner had two large spotlights fitted, the main supply to the cab is at best marginal and may explain the melted cable.
I'm sorry about the long post but I just want to get it right.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Richard Black
Fri 24 Jun 2022 @ 17:36 View Richard eblack   Email Richard eblack   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Gearbox Technician
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The fuses you are talking about are 35A on my Bedford CF.

Tue 05 Jul 2022 @ 19:39 View Dougie   Email Dougie   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Richard eblack
Posts : 2
Location : Lincolnshire
Status    : Offline

Dougie wrote:

The fuses you are talking about are 35A on my Bedford CF.


Thank you Dougie
I have seen those fuses and left them in the circuit but installed a fuse box with a 20amp fuse to protect the ignition feed and a 15a protecting the lighting feed. All works and now feel a little bit safer with a bit more protection.
Thank you again for your help.
Sun 10 Jul 2022 @ 16:36 View Richard eblack   Email Richard eblack   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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