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You last visited on Sat 27 Jul 2024 @ 00:49. 79 users registered; 23958 posts made!
3823 threads updated since your last visit
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After some research it seem that it was Facebook that was taking down the web site. I've now banned a range of IP's so they should now be blocked

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How to use this message board
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FAQ on how to use this message board
20Renewing subs/upgrading to Card holder.PLEASE READ!
Sun 27 Jul 2014 @ 23:08
by bluebedouin
Colin Birch
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Announcements about this web site
141Exceeded bandwidth
Mon 24 Jun 2024 @ 21:05
by Colin Birch
Colin Birch
Bedford CF Area
No new posts CF Questions
Do you have a question about your CF? This is the place to ask it
8990Bedford CF gearbox wanted urgently
Sun 07 Jul 2024 @ 12:06
by Dougie
Colin Birch
No new posts CF Blog Spot
Rebuilding your CF? Why not show us all how it's going
3276Gearbox work done.
Thu 22 Feb 2024 @ 21:20
by Dougie
Colin Birch
Members Only Area
No new posts Hints and tips
Found a new way to remove the thrunkit bearing without bending the giggling pin? Let us all know here
Thu 02 Jul 2020 @ 10:03
by Dougie
Colin Birch
No new posts How to re-engine a CF area
Thinking of doing an engine swap. Have a look here first.
Mon 01 Apr 2013 @ 20:23
by Gethin
No new posts Rallies and Events
An area for discussing member organised rallies and events
This Forum has 1 SubForums
50Bromley pageant of motoring 2021
Sun 16 Aug 2020 @ 21:08
Colin Birch
No new posts Parts
Looking for Parts or found a new supplier - Post Here
This Forum has 2 SubForums
Sun 27 Nov 2022 @ 20:43
by Spaceship cafe
Colin Birch
No new posts Custom Vans
If you like to customise your vans this is the place for you
Sat 02 Oct 2021 @ 22:46
Colin Birch
No new posts Club Discounts
A list of suppliers who give discounts to club members - Membership card holders only
32C.E.S discount
Fri 18 Apr 2008 @ 15:21
Colin Birch
No new posts What's on
A place where you can list events going on in your area
23Vauxhall Heritage Centre open day
Tue 07 Aug 2018 @ 14:04
Colin Birch
No new posts Introductions
Are you a new member? Do you want to tell us a bit about yourself? This is the place to do it.
2898Newbie but oldie
Sat 27 May 2023 @ 13:43
by Colin Birch
Colin Birch
No new posts File Downloads
Assorted CF related files
3CF Manual pdf's
Sat 28 Mar 2015 @ 17:14
by bluebedouin
Colin Birch
Camp Site Area
No new posts Campsite Guide
Questions / comments about camp sites
167Shell Island 2
Fri 29 Jul 2016 @ 21:18
Colin Birch
Bedford Stories
No new posts Bedford Stories
Have you got an amusing or interesting story about a Bedford? Why not share it with us here.
1231The A-Team Bedford
Sun 21 Oct 2018 @ 22:08
Colin Birch
General Chat
No new posts General Chat
Chat about anything!
1881Been Ill
Fri 23 Sep 2022 @ 19:36
by Colin Birch
Colin Birch
No new posts Beddie Spotting
Have you seen a CF on your travels? Want to know who it belongs to? Post your 'spots' here. Posts will auto delete after 10 days.
Sat 12 Dec 2015 @ 10:27
Colin Birch
No new posts Useful Links
Links to other sites, both Bedford and non Bedford related
Wed 16 Sep 2015 @ 23:04
Colin Birch
No new posts Food and Drink
Want to share recipes or tips on food and drink? This is the place to do it
Fri 12 Oct 2012 @ 08:55
Colin Birch
No new posts Computer Problems and Chat
Problem with your PC? Don't know your Linux from your Windows. This is the place to ask
46Some truths about spam
Fri 09 Oct 2015 @ 20:52
Colin Birch
No new posts Sat Nav files
POI File downloads for Sat Nav units
20Premier Inn
Fri 11 Jan 2013 @ 20:51
by Colin Birch
Colin Birch
No new posts Adverts
Post your Wanted, For Sale and Swaps adverts here
This Forum has 4 SubForums
1Area Rules
Sun 20 Sep 2020 @ 12:56
Colin Birch
Vehicles other than CFs
No new posts Vehicles other than CFs
Drive something that's NOT a CF? This is the place for you
This Forum has 7 SubForums
22019 Transit Custom injector fault
Sat 07 Dec 2019 @ 23:22
by Colin Birch
Colin Birch
The Zoo
No new posts Jokes
If it's funny this is the place for it
This Forum has 2 SubForums
Thu 21 Jan 2021 @ 18:07
Colin Birch
Comments to the Sysop
No new posts Comments to the Sysop
Want to moan about the Website or this message board? This is the area to do it in :-)
350Test Post
Fri 12 Jan 2024 @ 17:39
by Colin Birch
Colin Birch
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Most members online was 17 on Sun 08 May 2011 @ 21:29
3825 Topics : 23958 Posts : 79 Members
Callers in last 24 hours : 0
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Total callers : 1614451
Caller number 1614450 was Guest
Last Login Ma Kerr on Thu 25 Jul 2024 @ 11:29
Newest member : Steve on Wed 17 Jul 2024 @ 23:59
Last Post : 'Bedford CF gearbox wanted urgently' in 'CF Questions' posted by Dougie on Sun 07 Jul 2024 @ 12:06

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